Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Andha Mahadveep

Dear all. Now presenting you one Flash Gordon IJC (V25N46). A fabulous story on Exlisco planet. Again an encounter of Flash Gordon with Scorpions. Enjoy this comic.


  1. thanks gaurav

    fantastic uploads!

  2. Normally I do not like Flash Gordon but later issues of IJCs were quite meaningful & story lines quite good .
    Nice story

  3. AJAY: Most of people likes Phantom and Mandrake stories. But in my view all Flash Gordon stories published in 70s were best.

  4. This was a fabulous story,read numerous time just for the shear thrill of the script(loved how darker side of planet xalicso has been shown).
    Yes,I am a big fan of FG's stories.Some of his '70s & early '80s titles were fabulous but later, plots were too repeatative & boring.And if one has noticed,ToI temporarily stopped publishing FG stories as cover-story after V23 N28 issue('86) for next 2.5 years.Then he returned on cover from this issue(V25 N46 ;1988) and since then ALL those 7 titles published were much different than the earlier monotonic plots,filled with thrills & twists, and once again captured reader's attention before ToI stopped FG(& others) alltogether from issue V26 N33 onwards to reduce the series as a mere 4-hero one!
    PS - I wished they had ratained only 2 more heroes,FG & RK,to make a 6-hero series that could last for few more years!

  5. Thanks a lot for the comic.A very nice story

  6. HojO: Dear friend you are always welcome. The FGs stories (and the art work) published in 70s & 80s were best and always attract me. Later, the stories plots were repeated.

  7. Thanks to Dan Barry, the comics of Flash Gordon have very good & dynamic stories. Probably best among all Indrajal heroes.

  8. PBC: Yes Prabhat I like Flash Gordon stories and art work too.

  9. Monster: You are always welcome. Keep visiting.
