Monday, February 6, 2012

Nakli Goli Asli Maut

Hello friends. Today I am with a non IJC. Its a Chitra Bharti Comics. There are two stories of detective Kapil. So enjoy this post.


  1. Wonderful post...if you have more issues of Detective Kapil..please share them too

  2. THANKS A TON !!!
    I think Super Commando Dhruva is inspired a lot from this character, as it is also illustrated by Anupam Sinha.
    Please upload more comics of this character.

  3. Anonymous: All issues of Detective Kopil are upload on different comics blogs. You can download from Anupam Agarwal's blog.

  4. Rohit Arya: Welcome. All four issues of Detective Kopil are uploaded on different comics blogs.Check Anupam Agarwal's blog.
